Ayer, desde Rusia, se lanzó un cohete con una sonda espacial, que debía ir a Fobos (una de las lunas marcianas) a recoger muestras, y traerlas de vuelta a la Tierra. Parecía que todo iba bien, pero una vez en órbita terrestre, no se pusieron en marcha sus propulsores y no ha podido continuar su viaje. Aunque los ingenieros rusos disponen de tres días para intentar corregir la "incidencia", parece que esta misión va a formar parte de la legendaria "maldición marciana". Fobos 1 y Fobos 2, (misión soviético europea en 1988) una de las dos dejó de transmitir durante el camino, y la otra cuando estaba llegando a Fobos. Mars observer (USA 1992), se pierde contacto en el momento de entrar en órbita, igual que la Mars 96 (Rusia 1996). Sonda Nozomi (Japón 1998) varios fallos desembocaron en el fracaso de la misión. Mars Climate Orbiter (USA 1999), se perdió por la utilización (por error) de unidades de medida anglosajonas en lugar de métrico decimales. Mars Polar Lander (USA 1999) fue perdida en el momento del aterrizaje. A todos estos fracasos que suben la media enormemente, en comparación con los fracasos asociados a misiones a otros planetas, hay que añadir las misiones que fueron canceladas antes de comenzar: Programa Voyager Marte (USA década de los 70) dos orbitadores y dos landers que nunca fueron lanzados. Mars Aerostat (Rusia-Francia 1992) fue aplazada a 1994 y cancelada en 1996. Mars 98 (Rusia 1998) pretendía llevar orbitador, lander y rover, pero fue cancelada. Mars Surveyor (USA 2001) cancelada. Netlander (Holanda 2007) cancelada. Mars Telecommunications Orbiter (USA 2009) cancelada. Wright Flyer (USA 2003) cancelada.
El 25 de noviembre, la Nasa tiene previsto enviar a Marte su rover Curiosity. Esperemos que esta vez haya más suerte. (Foto:Nasa)
Yesterday, from Russia, they launched a rocket carrying a space probe, which was to go to Phobos (one of the Martian moons) to collect samples and bring them back to Earth. It seemed that everything was fine, but once in orbit, not started its engines and could not continue its journey.
Although Russian engineers have three days to try to correct the "issue", it seems that this mission will be part of the legendary "Mars curse".Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 (European Soviet mission in 1988) one of the two went off the air along the way, and the other when it was arriving to Phobos. Mars Observer (USA 1992), contact was lost at the time of entering orbit, like Mars 96 (Russia 1996). Probe Nozomi (Japan 1998) several flaws led to the failure of the mission. Mars Climate Orbiter (USA 1999), was lost by the use (by mistake) Anglo-Saxon unit of measurement instead of metric. Mars Polar Lander (USA 1999) was lost in the moment of landing. To all these failures we have to add the missions that were canceled before the begining: Voyager Mars Program (USA 70s) two orbiters and two landers were never launched. Mars Aerostat (Russia-France 1992) was postponed to 1994 and canceled in 1996. Mars 98 (Russia 1998) sought to bring orbiter, lander and rover, but it was canceled. Surveyor Mars (USA 2001) canceled. Netlander (Netherlands 2007) canceled. Mars Telecommunications Orbiter (USA 2009) canceled. Wright Flyer (USA 2003) canceled.
On November 25, NASA plans to send its rover Curiosity to Mars. Let's hope we have better luck this time. (Photo: NASA)
El 25 de noviembre, la Nasa tiene previsto enviar a Marte su rover Curiosity. Esperemos que esta vez haya más suerte. (Foto:Nasa)
Yesterday, from Russia, they launched a rocket carrying a space probe, which was to go to Phobos (one of the Martian moons) to collect samples and bring them back to Earth. It seemed that everything was fine, but once in orbit, not started its engines and could not continue its journey.
Although Russian engineers have three days to try to correct the "issue", it seems that this mission will be part of the legendary "Mars curse".Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 (European Soviet mission in 1988) one of the two went off the air along the way, and the other when it was arriving to Phobos. Mars Observer (USA 1992), contact was lost at the time of entering orbit, like Mars 96 (Russia 1996). Probe Nozomi (Japan 1998) several flaws led to the failure of the mission. Mars Climate Orbiter (USA 1999), was lost by the use (by mistake) Anglo-Saxon unit of measurement instead of metric. Mars Polar Lander (USA 1999) was lost in the moment of landing. To all these failures we have to add the missions that were canceled before the begining: Voyager Mars Program (USA 70s) two orbiters and two landers were never launched. Mars Aerostat (Russia-France 1992) was postponed to 1994 and canceled in 1996. Mars 98 (Russia 1998) sought to bring orbiter, lander and rover, but it was canceled. Surveyor Mars (USA 2001) canceled. Netlander (Netherlands 2007) canceled. Mars Telecommunications Orbiter (USA 2009) canceled. Wright Flyer (USA 2003) canceled.
On November 25, NASA plans to send its rover Curiosity to Mars. Let's hope we have better luck this time. (Photo: NASA)
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