La Tierra está inclinada 23 grados sobre su eje, sin embargo, Urano lo está 98 grados. Esto hace que prácticamente, esté "girando sobre su lado". ¿Por qué? La teoría considerada hasta ahora, era que un cuerpo doblemente masivo que la Tierra, le golpeó, desplazando así su eje de rotación. Pero, si fue así, ¿por qué sus lunas y sus anillos también están inclinados?
Según el equipo del Observatorio de la Costa Azul de Niza los impactos fueron dos: el primero giró parcialmente el planeta, generando escombros a su alrededor, mientras que el segundo lo giró hasta su inclinación actual, y además, desplazó los escombros, que impactaron contra sus lunas, inclinando así sus respectivos ejes de rotación. (Foto:Nasa)
The Earth is tilted 23 degrees on its axis, however, Uranus is 98 degrees. This means that it is "turning on its side." Why? The theory considered until now, was that an object twice as massive as Earth, hit him, changing the axis of rotation. But then, why its moons and rings are also tilted?
According to the team of the Observatory of Nice Côte d'Azur there were two impacts: the first tilted the axis of rotation partially, generating debris around it, while the second one turned it to his current inclination, and also moved the debris that hit its moons, changing their respective axes of rotation too. (Photo: NASA)
The Earth is tilted 23 degrees on its axis, however, Uranus is 98 degrees. This means that it is "turning on its side." Why? The theory considered until now, was that an object twice as massive as Earth, hit him, changing the axis of rotation. But then, why its moons and rings are also tilted?
According to the team of the Observatory of Nice Côte d'Azur there were two impacts: the first tilted the axis of rotation partially, generating debris around it, while the second one turned it to his current inclination, and also moved the debris that hit its moons, changing their respective axes of rotation too. (Photo: NASA)
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